We Treat

Overview Corns

Corn (Callosities) or callus is horny indurations or thickening of the skin resulting from longstanding pressure or friction, or both. A callus is usually formed on the weight-bearing portion of the sole that results from chafing and pressure. This becomes painful when they press on sensitive nerves in the surrounding skin, which may become red and inflamed.

Corns on the soles can be very painful. Very often the pain can alter a person’s gait and may make walking unbearable. Homeopathic medicines do relieve this pain rather quickly and help soften the indurations. Overtime, the corns will decrease in size and the tendency for recurrence or multiplication can be minimized.

Local applications (salicylic acid), cryotherapy (freezing), cauterization (burning), electro-surgery (electric current) and laser therapy work only temporarily or superficially and do not guarantee any long-term solution.

Homeopathy Advantage
What we offer at Preet Homeopathy:

  • Completely curing corn from within
  • Non Surgical treatment
  • No scaring – No discoloration
  • 100% safe for children

With Homeopathy corns are treated effectively from the roots thereby preventing any further recurrence of the same.

The issue with conventional treatment is that it does not target the root cause of corns and hence recurrence is common. However, at Preet Homeopathy, we have treated a large number of cases of corns with successful results in most cases. So what are you waiting for, go ahead and experience the benefits of homeopathy.

Why is Cons?

Corns are small, rough mounds of firm, dead skin that form on or between the toes and on sole. Their hard, waxy core, which bores down into the skin and press on the underlying tissue and nerves, can cause extreme pain.

Corns are caused by a great deal of pressure or friction on the toes, usually from ill-fitting shoes or high heels. Since the skin acts as the body's protector, corns form when the body attempts to protect the troubled area from more pressure by building up a mass of dead skin cells and secreting a hard substance called keratin.


Corns and callus that are not treated will become painful. They will not come right on their own unless the pressure that caused them is taken away. If it is not the skin will continue to thicken and become more painful. After a while the body will start treating it as a foreign body and an ulcer (abscess) can develop. This can get infected - the infection can spread. Infection of corns on the toe is more common than a callus.


Corns are caused by a great deal of pressure or friction on the toes, usually from ill-fitting shoes or high heels. Since the skin acts as the body's protector, corns form when the body attempts to protect the troubled area from more pressure by building up a mass of dead skin cells and secreting a hard substance called keratin.

Self Care

Corns are best treated by first eliminating the cause of the pressure. Over-the-counter preparations are available. These include padding (to reduce the friction on the area), ointments and medicated pads (to soften and blister the skin layers, making them easier to remove and reducing the pain).

Prevention of Corns

Wear comfortable shoes. Ill-fitting footwear often causes corns and calluses. Wear shoes that do not cramp your toes.

Adjust your walking style. An improper gait, such as walking on the sides of your feet, can produce calluses and corns.

Look at the heels on an old pair of shoes. If one side is markedly worn, you may be shifting your weight unevenly as you walk. Ask your physician or podiatrist if a shoe insert (orthotic) could help distribute your weight more evenly.

Protect your skin. Visit your pharmacy or medical supply store. You may select from a wide variety of readily available over-the-counter products such as tufts of lamb's wool, moleskin pads and toe coverings (to protect your skin).


Many acid preparations are available for reducing corns and calluses. A commonly used prescription preparation is a mixture of salicylic acid, lactic acids and collodion (Duofilm, Salactic Film and Viranol).

The over-the-counter acids are weaker than their prescription counterparts, such as trichloroacetic acid, 80 percent (Tri-Chlor). Such preparations may be more harmful than helpful, because the bony prominences of the toes have such thin coverings. Acids should not be used by diabetic patients and are not advisable for individuals with impaired sensation or for the elderly with thin skin.

Conventional Treatment Why Homeopathy

Salicylic acid is a very common over-the-counter treatment. The drawbacks are scarring and discoloration of the surrounding skin, and require consistent application for it to be effective.

Cryotherapy involves application of liquid nitrogen which freezes and kills the effected cells. The extent of scarring is relatively less as compared to Salicylic acid. A painful blister at the site of application is common. This therapy can be very painful.

Numerous other methods such as cauterization (burning), electro-surgery (electric current) and laser therapy are offered, besides some other local applications.

Local applications
(salicylic acid), cryotherapy (freezing), cauterization (burning), electro-surgery (electric current) and laser therapy work only temporarily or superficially and do not guarantee any long-term solution.

Homeopathic practitioners have time and again demonstrated the success of homeopathy in the treatment of corns for more than 200 years now.

At Preet Homeopathy, we have been treating patients with corns and have had good results in most cases.

Homeopathic treatment helps patients to get rid of corns safely and effectively without the use of any conventional methods or surgical procedures.

from case to case - some corns disappear readily with medication whereas others require long-term treatment and are slow to disappear.

The important thing about Homeopathic treatment is that besides healing them, it prevents or decreases their recurrences.

Recommended Treatment Period

Normally recommended treatment at Preet Homeopathy is 3 months to 6 months or more in some cases.

Usually to begin the treatment we provide medicines for 3 months and further course is decided after the completion of 1st course.

Benefits of Preet Homeopathy treatment:
At Preet Homeopathy, we have been treating patients with corns since 1923.

Homeopathy Helps:

  1. Boosts your immune response to fight the disease
  2. Expunges the corn from within without leaving any scars
  3. Does not cause any discoloration as commonly caused by acids
  4. 100% safe for children and adults as this treatment has no side effects
  5. Only internal homeopathic medicines and local softening (homeopathic) creams used

After considering many factors the indicated Homeopathic remedy is prescribed for a period of 3-6 months. This duration is usually sufficient to bring about softening of the corn & removal of small and superficial corns. Large and deep rooted corns may take longer as the medicines are naturally helping your body fight this condition. Proper constitutional treatment removes the tendency for corn formation from the roots thereby giving lasting results.

Overall, the treatment of corns with Homeopathy gives good a result in most cases and the best part is that the treatment is safe and without any side-effects. Homeopathy is strongly suggested for all cases of corns.

Note: Extent and nature of benefits of treatment varies among individuals and has been gathered from patients themselves & past clinical records. Though our results aren’t 100%, more than 85% patients treated at the centres have experienced full recovery; many have feel reduction in the complaints and decrease in the intensity and relapses.