
It is a degenerative condition of the cervical spine and the associated inter vertebral disc separating the vertebrae. Nerve compression, degeneration of the inter vertebral discs and loss of normalcy of the spine curvature may lead to pain and stiffness of the shoulder muscles, loss of muscle strength and a constant discomfort or stiffness in the back and neck muscles.

Conventional pain-killers and muscle relaxants do offer immediate relief but it’s not long lasting, it’s temporary. However, Homeopathic medicines have proven to help most individuals suffering from these conditions by reducing muscular spasm - stiffness and relieve intensity - frequency of pain, without any long-term adverse effects.

The medicines prescribed can be taken alone or along with your regular medicines prescribed by your physician. Over time the need for pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs can subside and the overall condition of the bone and disc can be improved as well as disease progression can be minimized.

What is Spondylitis?

Understanding Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical Spondylosis is a degenerative condition of the cervical (neck) spine and associated inter vertebral disc separating the vertebrae.

With age, osteophytes or bone buildup protrude from the margin of the vertebrae due to mechanical pressure between the two vertebrae causing further pressure on the involved nerves.

Symptoms & Causes

Nerve compression, degeneration of the inter vertebral discs and loss of normalcy of the spine curvature may lead to the following symptoms:

  • Intermittent neck and shoulder stiffness and/or pain
  • Condition may be one sided or both side, dependant on the involved nerve
  • Headaches originating at the nape of the neck (sub-occipital)
  • Pain and tingling sensation radiating down the arms may be to fingers
  • Severe nerve compression may cause weakness and loss of arm muscle strength
  • Atypically pain may radiate to the chest, cause difficulty in swallowing or loss of control


Homeopathy treatment

Symptoms are caused because of pressure on the nerve root and muscle spasm, and Homeopathy treatment is centered on relieving both of these factors.

Typically, the treatment offered at Preet Homeopathy involves the following:

Prescribing pure Homeopathic medicines (No Steroids or NSAIDS) which have a specific action on relieving nerve inflammation Plus essential Biochemic remedies (Minerals) which prevent further disc degeneration and bone damage.

Recommended Treatment Period

Normally recommended treatment at Preet Homeopathy is 6 months to 12 months or more in some cases.

Usually to begin the treatment we provide medicines for 3 months and further course is decided after the completion of 1st course. But you can also order for 6months in single order.

Our Patients typically experience the following benefits:

  • Relief in pressure and inflammation of the affected nerve
  • Disappearance in pain and tingling sensation radiating down the arm
  • Relief in headaches and stiffness of associated shoulder muscles
  • Improvement in the ability to function as normally as possible
  • Provide essential minerals required for disc, nerve and bone health

Note: Extent and nature of benefits of treatment varies among individuals and has been gathered from patients themselves & past clinical records.

Note: Degenerative changes are irreversible, only symptomatic relief can be obtained over long continued use of Homeopathy medicines in joints, bones & nerve diseases where structural irreversible pathology have been developed.