Overview Arthritis

Arthritis inflammation in the joints. Joint inflammation causes pain, swelling, warmth and stiffness over time. These symptoms may be common with all form of arthritis. Your individual symptoms along with the common symptoms of the disease help in the better selection of the medicines in Homeopathy.

Whether you suffer from Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis or any other form of joint, tendon or ligament affection, homeopathy is a valuable alternative therapy and can be taken indefinitely without any side effects.

Most individuals those who have taken Homeopathy have experienced improvement in joint mobility, reduction in pain/stiffness and a significant reduction in the frequency of relapses. Early stages of joint inflammation can be cured if timely treatment is initiated.

Homeopathic medicines may be taken alone or along with your regular prescription. Over time the need for pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs do subside and the overall condition of the joint and cartilage can be improved providing better mobility.

Why is Arthritis?

Arthritis simply means inflammation in the joints. Joint inflammation causes pain, swelling, warmth and stiffness over time. These symptoms may be common with all form of arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease, resulting in loss of elasticity of the joint cartilage which functions as shock-absorbers between two joints. Over time, as the cartilage wears off, bone friction increases causing pain. Though OA may affect any joint, the knees, hips and spine are commonly affected due to repeated wear and tear as they are the weight bearing joints of the body.

Rheumatoid arthritis is also a chronic form of arthritis, the cause of which is unknown. It usually manifests bilaterally, affecting joints on both sides of the body. Rarely, RA may affect the skin, eyes, lungs, heart, blood, nerves or kidneys. The disease onset, progression and duration vary significantly among those affected.

Symptoms & Causes

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease. Over time, as the cartilage wears off, bone friction increases causing pain.

Causes: Obesity, Injury, joint overuse and hereditary factors are commonly responsible for OA.

Diagnosis: Onset of OA can be determined by an x-ray.

Rheumatoid arthritis:
Autoimmune disorder involving multiple joints causing pain and structural deformity in advance cases.

It usually manifests bilaterally, affecting joints on both sides of the body. Rarely, RA may affect the skin, eyes, lungs, heart, blood, nerves or kidneys. The disease onset, progression and duration vary significantly among those affected.

Causes: It is widely believed that it is an autoimmune disorder. A faulty immune response in which the immune system attacks the joints and organs causes RA. Viral affection and numerous environmental, hormonal, emotional and genetic factors are considered as triggers of the immune system. There are millions people who have RA with a higher incidence among women.

Diagnosis: A combination of factors indicates RA as individual symptoms and Laboratory results vary significantly.

  1. Symmetrical affection of joints
  2. Joint stiffness on waking
  3. X-rays indicating RA type degeneration
  4. Positive Rheumatoid Factor (RF) in blood tests
  5. Presence of nodules under the skin called rheumatic nodules

Anemia, increased ESR may also be detected in a person with RA.


Conventional Treatment Why Homeopathy

Local or systemic pain killers and corticosteroids are the conventional line of treatment, besides numerous other drugs. Weight reduction, physiotherapy and hot or cold compresses may also be recommended. Arthroscopy (repair of damaged cartilage) and joint replacement may be considered in advanced cases.

Our centers which specialize in the Homeopathic management of ‘Chronic Diseases’ has consulted and treated thousands of cases of RA and OA since our Establishment in 1923.

Homeopathy medicines have no possible side-effects and are safe with other Rx’s.

Recommended Treatment Period

Normally recommended treatment at Preet Homeopathy is 6 months to 12 months or more in some cases.

Usually to begin the treatment we provide medicines for 3 months and further course is decided after the completion of 1st course.

What can You expect on starting this treatment at Preet Homeopathy?
Preet Homeopathy’s approach for OA (Osteoarthritis) & RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) offers:

  • Pain-relief along with significant or noticeable improvement in joint mobility and inflammation.
  • Reduction in inflammatory relapses, especially in cases of RA, indicates that the medicines prescribed act by stabilizing the faulty immune system considered responsible for RA. This is achieved without the use of steroids or harmful drugs and recommended for all age groups.
  • Those already on such medications may be asked to slowly wean off the drugs as the beneficial effects of homeopathic medicines sets in.
  • Over time, the need for pain killers and steroids can be minimized and the extent of the inflammation as well as disease progression minimized.

Note: Extent and nature of benefits of treatment varies among individuals and has been gathered from patients themselves & past clinical records.

Note: Degenerative changes are irreversible, only symptomatic relief can be obtained over long continued use of Homeopathy medicines in joints & bone diseases where structural irreversible pathology have been developed.