
Allergic Rhinitis is also called nasal allergy. It is not life threatening but can significantly impair the quality of life. It affects almost 20% of general population. Early treatment is always better.

Homeopathy provides very good relief to patients suffering from allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy). It works by significantly improving the immunity against the allergens.

Preet Homeopathy , we have successfully treated thousands of cases of allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy) and brought relief in many suffering cases. We recommend in your best interest to experience the wonderful treatment for your allergy!

What is?

Allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy) is an inflammatory condition of the nasal passages characterized by a combination of symptoms like: sneezing, nasal congestion, nasal itching, and discharge from the nose. It makes you sneeze with itchy, runny nose & watery eyes whenever you come in contact with certain allergens. The condition is usually aggravated in sensitive individuals after exposure to dust, dander, certain seasonal pollens, etc.

There are two categories of allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy):

Seasonal: The allergy attacks occur during certain seasons, especially in pollen season.

Perennial: The allergy attacks are interspersed throughout the year that is off and on.

Millions of dollars are spent every year on doctors’ visits and the treatment of this chronic condition. To add in it you can also mention all the missed days at work and school. Timely treatment can surely save a lot of money and agony for the patients of allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy).

Symptoms & Causes

Causes of Allergic Rhinitis

The bout of allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy) can be triggered by a number of allergens. Allergens are substances that can induce an ‘allergic reaction’ in the body.

These are some common allergens in cases of allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy):

  • Pollen
  • Dust, Wood Dust
  • Outdoor Moulds
  • House Dust Mites
  • Exposure to certain animals (including pets)
  • Cockroaches, Rodents
  • Smoke, pollution, and strong smells, some chemical exposure.

When a susceptible person is exposed to any of the allergen, the body releases certain chemicals which include ‘histamine’. This in turn is responsible for allergy symptoms such as itchy feeling, swelling, and mucus production.

Certain other factors those are responsible in the development of Allergic Rhinitis (nasal allergy):

Weather: Hot, dry, windy days are more likely to trigger an allergy attack as compared to cool, damp, rainy days.

Genetics:: Heredity seems to play an important role in allergic diseases.

More over the triggers of an attack may vary from person to person and the patient himself has to figure out which of these causative factors precipitates the episodes in him.

Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy) is not an easy disorder to live with though it may not sound so to a non-sufferer, only the patient knows how troublesome this condition is. Just imagine a sudden episode of constant sneezing in the middle of an important meet or class?!

  • Repetitive Sneezing
  • Runny nose (rhinorrhoea)
  • Nasal congestion
  • Itchy nose, ear, throat, eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • Reduced sense of smell
  • Post-nasal discharge

Chronic cases of allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy) may develop additional symptoms like:

  • Cough (due to the post nasal discharge)
  • Sinus headaches
  • Blocked ears
  • Nasal polyps
  • Eyelid swelling
  • Injected sclera (redness of the white of an eyes)

Self-Care Guidelines

Here are some of the tips that have been derived from our vast experience of treating many patients of allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy) over the last 90 years at our centers. These tips have been clinically verified in our patients and have been found useful.

• Keep a food diary to ascertain food intolerances
• Increase your antioxidant intake by taking plenty of fruits and vegetables if they don’t increase your complaints.
• Avoid or decrease the use of those things that are likely to increase your complaints

(Note: Extent and nature of benefits of treatment varies among individuals and has been gathered from patients themselves & past clinical records)
Though we consider Allergic Rhinitis a stubborn and difficult condition to treat, individuals have a better long term prognosis on completion of Homeopathic treatment.


Conventional Treatment Why Homeopathy

They are drugs that block the histamine reaction.

They are divided into:
• Sedating • Non- Sedating antihistamines.

Sedating antihistamines can impair driving and the use of heavy equipment.


These temporarily reduce swelling of nasal tissues leading to an improvement of breathing.

Common side effects include:
• Raised heart rate • blood pressure.


They are usually a combination of an antihistamine and a decongestant.

Allergy Shots (Immunotherapy):

Small amounts of the offending allergen are injected with the intention of developing antibodies against it. Based on the same principle of immunization.

Steroid nasal sprays:

They reduce allergic inflammation within the nasal cavity and not recommended for prolonged use.

Decongestant sprays:

They quickly reduce swelling of nasal tissues by shrinking the blood vessels.

You can become highly addictive and over time (three to five days), cause inflammation in the nasal passages and worsen rhinitis.

The root cause of your problem is lack of an appropriate response to allergens to which your body is susceptible.

Homeopathy treatment boosts your immune response against allergens. As a result you will become less prone to frequent colds, rhinitis or seasonal allergies and overtime could develop resistance to the responsible allergen.

Most of our patients experience more than 75 % reduction in the intensity and frequency of their ailment after a period of 3-6 months of treatment. Associated nasal polyps or enlarged nasal turbinate, seen in individuals with deviated nasal septum, can also be reduced and the nasal passages can once again reclaim normalcy, without the need for surgery.

It must be noted that even during the period of treatment, patient may continue to get attacks of the allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy); however these episodes are less severe and last shorter as compared to attacks before commencing treatment.

Patient gradually notices an overall improvement in the general health as the treatment progresses. Even in chronic cases of a long standing nature, Homeopathy has significant help to offer in terms of prevention of the complications.

It is strongly suggested that patients with allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy) opt for homeopathic treatment as soon as possible.

Recommended Treatment Period

Normally recommended treatment at Preet Homeopathy is 3 months to 6 months or more in some cases.

Usually to begin the treatment we provide medicines for 3 months and further course is decided after the completion of 1st course.

Preet Homeopathy’s treatment benefits

Our treatment offers non-drowsy, symptomatic relief with a decrease in recurrence rate when maintaining factors such as high pollen count etc are present. Complete cure is possible in cases of recent origin, mild to moderate severity, and in children by improving the individual’s immune response to allergens.

Non-drowsy, analysed treatment

Considerably reduces symptom- intensity

Significant decrease in seasonal relapses

No side effects. Safe for children

NATURALLY Improves immune response !

Reduces nasal polyps without surgery


  • Our treatment has no side effects
  • Recommended for all age groups
  • Significantly slows down the process of thinning of hair
  • Case studies demonstrate a better long term prognosis

We urge individuals to start the treatment as early as possible in order to achieve a faster recovery.
(Note: Extent and nature of benefits of treatment varies among individuals and has been gathered from patients themselves & past clinical records)

Though we consider Alopecia Areata a stubborn and difficult condition to treat, individuals have a better long term prognosis on completion of Homeopathic treatment.